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Meet Tommy

Thomas "Tommy" Finnegan was born on February 28, 1988, and passed away on March 1, 2008. Tommy could not speak, was confined to a wheelchair, tube fed, and had to endure countless surgeries and illnesses but was an inspiration to all of those who were fortunate enough to have known him.

Tommy was diagnosed with Tyrosinemia weeks after being born and received a liver transplant in June of 1988, becoming the world's youngest liver transplant recipient. Months later, it was realized that prior to Tommy receiving his new liver, Tyrosinemia had caused neurological damage, which left him with severe to profound cerebral palsy and mental retardation. To assist Tommy's mother and father in providing all they could for Tommy's needs, family and friends united in what became the annual "Tourney for Tommy" 3-on-3 basketball tournament. Tommy passed away from complications due to pneumonia 1 day before his 18th annual tournament. 

Tommy's Angels

The Tommy Finnegan Legacy Foundation has helped over 40 families in the Chicagoland area to provide accessible necessities to their children. Each child that we have had the privilege to help has kept Tommy's legacy alive and has bought our foundation even closer. 


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